Brand Consistency:
Clearly Creative Graphic Design
Let’s get creative with your content.
Every brand reflects, through tone and feeling, the heart of why you do business. Branding conveys an experience, a vision, a mission. Brand design creates consistent recognition and trust.
That’s where we come in. We create visual brand solutions unique to your business. You stand out from your competitors.
Types of Projects
Logo Design
Annual Reports
Sales Sheets
Case Statements
e-blast Campaigns
Social Media Graphics
...blends the best of 'gourmet chef' and 'short order cook'...
“I've relied on Valerie Hoffman for years as a graphic artist who blends the best of "gourmet chef" and "short order cook", all at the same time. Val's work is exceptional, but what's even better is how quickly she turns things around, and what a pleasure it is to work with her.”
— Chuck Proudfit, At Work on Purpose